Assessment task 1

A week in social media – Saturday

There is a consistency with the applications I use on social media.
Today I want to focus on Instagram, Instagram for me is my favourite tool to use to explore other peoples creativity, lifestyle, places to eat, friends I might know, places I might want to visit and it also allows me to edit my photos to look however I want them to and post them, it gives people an idea of what I am all about and how I see my life, it’s a modern way of attracting people, getting people involved in your life from a distance. i have two accounts, a personal account, more about documenting my travel experiences, my dogs, my friends and family and the other account is my design account, showcasing my work and hopefully will eventually be used to promote and advertise my work. I would spend a majority of time editing photos and keeping them in my drafts section of Instagram in case I want to use them but I give myself a window because I don’t like posting videos or pictures that aren’t relevant to what I’m doing now, sometimes I find Instagram a bit overwhelming when people post being overseas but really they are in your neighbourhood. I always thought insta – represented instant but obviously it just means instantly uploading a video of anything, anytime, the instant likes and viewers. Today I looked in my search area to see what was recommended for me to look at and I liked maybe 3-4 posts about sharks in the ocean, artwork and tattoo designs. My Instagram is public, people can see what I have liked and see what I am up to by watching ‘my story’ which I do a lot of. I notice more now how in tune with my personality, my Instagram accounts are. The more I like things, for example today I liked my friends picture, it then responded by connecting me to photos of people that my friends know so that I could then engage by liking or adding them as a friend. It began to create this online persona, what I like, eventually feeds in to who I know and get connected with.

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